Education and Training



  1. Koeppel, A.H., Edwards, C.S., Edgar, L.A., Nowicki, S., Bennett, K.A., Gullikson, A., Piqueux, S., Eifert, H., Chapline, D. and Rogers, A.D., (2024). A novel surface energy balance method for thermal inertia studies of terrestrial analogs. Earth and Space Science
  2. Annex, A. M., Lewis, K. W., Koeppel, A., Edwards, C. S. (2023). Bedding scale correlation on Mars in western Arabia Terra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
  3. Koeppel, A.H.D., Edwards, C. S., Annex, A. M., Lewis, K. W., & Carrillo, G. J. (2021). A fragile record of fleeting water on Mars. Geology. 50(2), 152-157.
  4. Tarnas, J. D., Stack, K. M., Parente, M., Koeppel, A.H.D., Mustard J. F., Moore K.R., Horgan B. H. N., Seelos F. P., Cloutis E. A., Kelemen P. B., Flannery D., Brown A. J., Frizzell K. R., Pinet P. (2021). Characteristics, Origins, and Biosignature Preservation Potential of Carbonate‐Bearing Rocks Within and Outside of Jezero Crater. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(11), e2021JE006898.
  5. Carrier, B.L., et al., (incl. Koeppel, A.H.D.) (2020). Mars Extant Life: What’s Next? Conference Report. Astrobiology, 20(6)
  6. Koeppel, A., Black, B. and Marchi, S., (2020). Differentiation in Impact Melt Sheets as a Mechanism to Produce Evolved Magmas on Mars. Icarus, 335(113422)
  7. Fesen, R.A.; Neustadt, J., Black, C., and Koeppel, A. (2015). Discovery of an Apparent High Latitude Galactic Supernova Remnant. The Astrophysical Journal, 812(37)


  1. Koeppel, A., Edwards, C. S., Edgar, L. A., Gullikson, A., Bennett, K., Piqueux, S., Nowicki, S., Eifert, H., Weintraub, A., Ahern, A., Rogers, A. D. (2023) Surface Temperatures from Mars to Earth and Back: Developing New Interpretations of Thermal Inertia from Ground Truth Experiments. Abstract of the 54th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. No. 2806. The Woodlands, TX.
  2. Koeppel, A., Edwards, C. S., Eifert, H., Edgar, L. A., Nowicki, S., Bennett, K., Gullikson, A., Piqueux, S., Rutledge, A. M., Rampe, E., Carr, B., Rogers, A. D. (2022). Using Surface Temperatures to Interpret Sediments and Volatiles at Mars Analog Sites. Abstract of GSA Connects 2022. Denver, CO.
  3. Koeppel, A. “Infrared Mars” Invited talk at the Science Museum of Virginia. March 2nd, 2022
  4. Koeppel, A., Edwards, C. S., Bennett, K., A.; Edgar, L. A., Eifert, H., Gullikson, A., Nowicki, S., Piqueux, S., Rogers, A. D. (2021). Linking Thermal Properties of Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments to Mars. Abstract EP25H-1405 of the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  5. Koeppel, A., Edwards, C. S.; Carrillo, G.; Annex, A. M.; Lewis, K. W. (2020). The Martian Dust Bowl: Thermal Inertia in Sediment-Filled Craters Reveals a Noachian Dry Spell. Abstract P073-05 of the 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual.
  6. Koeppel, A.; Edwards, C. S.; Carrillo, G.; Annex, A.; Lewis, K. (2020) Reinterpreting Thermal Inertia for Mapping Martian Geology. Abstract 7056 of the 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, Virtual.
  7. Koeppel A., Trilling D., Koch G., Schwartz E., Edwards C., (2019) Testing Methods for Detection of Unfamiliar Life in Martian Regolith. Abstract 5100 of the Mars Extant Life: What’s Next? Conference, Carlsbad, NM.
  8. Koeppel, A.H.D., A. M. Annex, C. Pan, C. S. Edwards, K. W. Lewis, (2019). Compositional and Thermophysical Indicators of Regional Aqueous Activity in Arabia Terra Crater Deposits. Abstract 6319 of the Ninth International Conference on Mars, Pasadena, CA.
  9. Koeppel, A.H.D., Edgar, L., (2019). Recognizing Stratigraphic Diversity through 1:10,000 scale Geologic mapping of Northwest Aeolis Mons, Mars. Abstract 7015 of the Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, Flagstaff, AZ.
  10. Koeppel, A., Black, B. and Marchi, S., (2017). Differentiation in Impact Melt Sheets as a Mechanism to Produce Evolved Magmas on Mars. Abstract P51A-2579 of the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Recording of PhD Thesis Defense public portion


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