
Southern Africa

Dartmouth Environmental Studies Foreign Studies program - Fall, 2014.Semester-long course in South Africa and Namibia studying ecologic and economic topics. Led project as part of semester to identify the pollination mechanisms of a keystone plant species in the Namib Desert.

Long Valley Field Camp

2018 NAU Volcanology Field Camp led by Nancy Riggs. Mapping and characterization of volcanic features in The San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona, and Long Valley, California.

NASA Planetary Volcanology Field Workshop

NASA Planetary Volcanology Field Workshop on the Big Island of Hawai’i, 2019. Week-long field camp orgnized by Scott Rowland, Sarah Fagents and Peter Mouginis-Mark.

Thermophysics at Kilauea, HI

NASA FINESST funded fieldwork at Kilauea Volcano. Field campaign to capture Mars analog thermal properties and conduct surface energy balance analysis.

Thermophysics in the Southwestern US

NASA PSTAR and FINESST funded fieldwork at Mars analog sites in the southwestern US. Sites include the San Francisco Volcanic Field, AZ, Pahrump Playa, NV, Long Valley, CA, and Hunt’s Hole, NM.

Northwest Passage Expedition

Northwest Passage Expedition grant through the Explorer’s Club and Compagnie du Ponant. Science objective to study the surface thermal patterns of permafrost thaw in the Arctic during 3-week voyage from Reykjavik, IS to Nome, AK, USA.